The Partner of The Speed Cubers

1. Personal data we collect and process.(Personal data)

To provide you with better and more personalized products and services, when you search our website, we will collect and use your personal information in the following ways:

a) Registration

b) The information needed when placing orders

Please note that in the following situations, the collection and use of personal information does not require your prior authorization and consent:

a) Necessary to provide you with products or services according to your requirements.

b) Necessary for maintaining the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided.


2. Data sharing

We may share your personal information with affiliated third-party. We will only share necessary personal information (is convenient for you to use our SpeedCubingShop’s products/services, we will share your necessary delivery address with related companies)


3. Data security

a) During your use of SpeedCubingShop’s products and services, we will continue to save your personal information.

b) We will collect, use, store and transmit user information in accordance with mature security standards and regulations in the industry, and inform you the purpose and scope of relevant information,of privacy policies, through user agreements.

c)We will take appropriate industry-standard security measures and technical means to store and protect your personal information, to prevent your information data being lost, being accessed without authorization, publicly disclosed, used, destroyed, lost or leaked. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal data.

d) Kindly remind, the Internet is not an absolutely secure environment. When you interact with other users through third-party social software, e-mails, text messages, etc. embedded in the SpeedCubingSohop.  If the transmission is completely encrypted, please pay attention to ensure the safety of your personal information


4. Customer rights

a) Accessing. You have the right to obtain access to your personal data that is being processed in edit the profile information or change your password

b) Correction, Subject to possible restrictions under national law, as a data subject, you have the right to obtain correct your personal data, on the basis of our legitimate interestsyou, can apply through [email protected]


5. Amendments

Our privacy policy may change.

Without your consent, we will not reduce your rights in accordance with this privacy policy. We will post any changes to this privacy policy on this page.


6. Contact us

You can contact us by Email Or Facebook Page,

[email protected]

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